Thursday, October 21, 2004

Emotionally disturbing video

I ran into this article while doing research on how to calm Phantom's (happy dog below) seperation anxiety. Now I have anxiety. Even if you don't read the whole story or watch the horrible video please e-mail this to other animal lovers (or even likers) so they can choose to not purchase Iam's. Phantom's seperation anxiety doesn't seem to be such a big problem anymore.....

What’s Wrong With Iams?
For nearly 10 months, PETA conducted an undercover investigation in an Iams contract laboratory. What our investigator witnessed and captured on hidden camera would outrage any animal lover: dogs who had gone crazy from being confined to barren steel-and-cement cells, dogs who had been left on a paint-chipped floor after having their vocal chords severed and part of their leg muscles hacked out, dogs who were sweltering in scorching heat and shivering in bitter cold, and horribly sick dogs and cats languishing in their cages, neglected and left to suffer without veterinary care. The animals in Iams’ tests are no different from our dogs and cats at home when it comes to deserving companionship, play, a stimulating environment, and the right not to be tormented in painful experiments.


Video: (NOTE this video is very upseting)

For a list of forward-thinking companion-animal food companies that have stopped or never conducted tests on animals in laboratories


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